Sunday 8 July 2012


Being unemployed, I have been used to waking up just anytime. But things have changed; I needed to be in the office at 8:30am daily. With ‘first day at work excitement’, I dashed out of bed at 5am on Monday. Monday was basically on the overview of the company and we were introduced to the staff.
From Tuesday to Friday, getting out of bed was rather painful, there was no ‘first day at work excitement’, and my body hasn’t gotten the memo yet that I now have a job. Thus, I struggled out of bed and blindly made my way into the bathroom.
A series of lectures which is to last for almost two weeks was prepared for us. The training so far has been literally refreshing. I got reminded of those important things I was taught in school that pertained to PR. First newspaper in Nigeria, Iwe Irohin, Henry Townsend, Ivy Lee definition of PR…
Through Tuesday and Wednesday, I made some new ‘colleague’ friends and learnt quite a lot about my new office and its environs. My geography knowledge and retention skills were tested several times as I had to find my way to the office which was quite far from the bus stop I usually alight.  I also had to remember a lot of names or better still, just describe them.
I and my colleague were given our first main work on Thursday: to write on a topic for the blog. Mine was “why is social media more important than traditional media”. Rushing home I did some sharp research and writing, had to sleep late in order to complete it.
On Friday, I had a somewhat annoying journey to work, submitted my write-up… (waited endlessly for a response). Helped a colleague do a work, ate my first meal in Lekki and had a cold.
So far, I can’t really say what my life as a PR intern would be till I start the real thing. I have 12 months here to make an impression so I’m going to put everything into it and do the best that I possibly can. It’s going to be a lot of work, but it’s also going to be really fun and I’m up for the challenge!