Tuesday 13 March 2012


I didn’t plan for this. No one told me about this. The initial plan was simple and great….
*      Go to school to be a graduate and acquire a certificate
*      Get a good job preferably in a bank or oil company
*      Buy a car
*      Get married
*      Bear children
*      Live my life……
No one told me there was a ‘break’ between becoming a graduate and getting a good job.
No one told me I was going to make www.Jobberman.com my desktop screen saver…
No one told me that Tuesday Guardian newspaper was going to be my second Bible (Ehn, PWC is recruiting o…apply sharp sharp.)
No one told me I was going to be the copywriter and editor of ‘My CV Publications’….
No one told me I was going to lose count of the copies of my CV I had sent out…
Life was painted rosy especially when you finish from a school like mine…
No one told me about ‘The Time Between’
Now am caught in the crazy world of job search….
Am getting depressed as no job is forth coming…
Eating to stupor and adding weight, did I just say, ‘adding weight’ (I wish I could but I also thank God for His Grace of not adding weight in my life)
As all this thoughts fill my head, my mind wonders to Silifat who finished with a first class and is still at home and then I switched to Mary who came out with a third class and also still at home and me in between them….
We are all caught up in the same crazy world….
As my mind continued to wonder, my frustration deepened and then I screamed,
 ‘Why all this empty time’?
‘Why all these months of doing nothing of value’?
Without words, a stream of memories began to flow into my thoughts…
 I remember the day I spent with a sick loved one…..
The day I met over ten new people in one outing…
The day I had to choose between paying for my BIS and buying a book…
The extra time I had spent in church activities…
The time I had helped my mum do something really important to her on a Monday morning…
How I had effectively planned my day so I don’t die of boredom…
How I have lived on N500 in a week…
How I have begged for money from one person several times in a week
The number of friendships I have rekindled…
The number of books and articles I have read…
And then I realised that every time I flipped through the dailies in search of job, I learnt something new…
I realised that every second I spent on the internet, twitter and facebook, my social networking skills got better…
I realised that every time I edited and upgraded my CV, I became a better writer…
In fewer words, I realised that the TIME BETWEEN had made me a better money manager, a more caring friend, a better time manager, developed my ability to sacrifice, made me a more devoted Christian, expanded my knowledge and network base and my persuasive (begging) skills have developed
The time between had really not been an empty time, I have been developing skills and preparing for the challenges that may arise even when I have a job.
And although this time between School and Job, hope & Fulfilment, Dreams and Result, Planting & Harvesting, still tries my patience; I have learnt that nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely…
So dearie, enjoy this period while it last.


  1. haha! nice write up. Mine was very similar to yours. Cut down on expenses made me subscribe to night plan for data browsing (way cheaper and faster at night) so I could only browse and do articles at night.I went to bed around 4am and by 10am, I go round to drop my CVs. I wrote unsolicited articles and sent items to NEXT newspaper and other magazines.Some articles were lucky,some werent.
    Since I was an engineering student in school, I would go to nairalist.com and look for people with PC issues and fix for them at low rate.
    It really helped hone my skills. I also downloaded video tutorials on several programming languages and all. I spent most evenings on twitter :)
    Basically, this period helps hone your skills and its usually one time you would long to have again when the whole hustle of 8am - 5pm of a job starts

  2. That's some positive thinking and it goes a long way.
    Writing is also something i can't guarantee u of when u start wearing skirt suits, 'How easy was it during Sterling "chukununu" *winks*' So add it to the list of activities........ really coooool piece..... i want to be just like u when i grow up just like u *winks*
