Sunday 8 July 2012


I apologize for my prolonged absence. I took a break from writing and everything else for the past three months to focus on some stuff but am back, back with good news. I GOT A JOB!!! WOO HOO!!! Well, am sure u happy for me, am no more an unemployed graduate.
‘Give me the gist,’ I can hear you scream.
‘Be patient,’ I reply. ‘So, where do I start from’...

I began my career into a world I had always longed to be in; a world that has a reputation for providing a fast paced work environment, where creativity, time management, attention to details and most importantly communication skill is key.  I mean the Public Relations world.
The process started with writing three articles as part of the application criteria, an interview- written and oral and then a chat with top management. Then the main journey began July 2nd, 2012. You may say four years as a communication student should have prepared me for these. Maybe a bit, but PR is much more than what we were taught in class.
For the next coming weeks, I would take you into my life as a PR gal. Also I would be writing on several PR related topics. Stay tuned

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