Friday 16 March 2012


6 months after NYSC, am still searching and hustling in the Market
I don’t mean Balogun market; I mean the Labour market,
A market where there are far more sellers (graduate) than buyers (Employers)
A market where the Nigerian factor has confined us to (Go to school, get good grades, get a good job)
Within these 6 months, I have written test and gone for interviews about 101/2 times. Am sure you are wondering where the half is coming from. Well the half happened today…
I was invited for a chat/test and after the Lady briefed us about the job, about half of us stood up and left.
I walked out not out of pride but everything about what she said screamed ‘this is it, I can’t take it anymore’
It doesn’t mean because am looking for a job I got to take just anything especially if there is no future in it, especially if it is really not going to be adding to me; if I won’t really be developing my skill set…
Am not saying am looking for a multinational job (if it comes, GREAT!!!); am not saying am going to stick to only what I read in school. NO!!!
School was a preparatory ground to all I could do.
School is like a mental gym. It offers you the ability to improve your thinking and not to be trapped in what you studied.
I may not be sticking to just communications but am not taking just anything because whatever I do today should be the details of my larger picture…
And so am asking:
Where should I draw the line between starting small and settling for less’?
‘Or is there even a line between this two’? Am I just creating it?
‘Is it any job that comes my way I should take simply because am looking for a job’?


  1. Hehehehehe...... i can almost imagine what she was saying.
    Logical thinking (not under desperation) clearly defines a demarcation between what you really want (put in prayers), what is reasonable and what just won't cut it. 10yrs down and you might be thinking 'what if i had waited a couple of months'. Besides, Covenant Uni investment is no joke o...... coooooool piece. WritaNista.... lmfao. na wa for u o
