Monday 23 July 2012

Did They Really Say That? Funny Interview Stories

I remember arguing with an interviewer when all he was saying was against my great institution, and how we ‘weren’t taught well’. I guess if you walked in at the heat of the argument you would have said what is wrong with this girl. I did not care if he was my prospective employer…I gave it back to him. How on earth could he insult my Alma Mata?

 “No sir, why do you think my school is like that, is that a biased view or what, you should not judge something you really don’t know much about. Is this interview about me or my school, I replied angrily.

How could I, you may ask. Well, mine story is ‘logical’ I was defending a cause (my alma matter)

This incident reminded me of a friend’s story, Titi during an interview. The interviewer asked her the dreaded “What’s your biggest weakness” question. “Well, am a terrible procrastinator, and late comer. My mum had to hurry me up to get to this interview in time” she replied. I could only imagine the interviewer’s face as she said ‘really’? And Titi replied, ‘abi u want me make I lie’. That kind of honesty at an interview is obviously inappropriate.

I remember the story of a young lady who walked into an interview panel, and straight to the seat reserved for her without even greeting. The interviewers asked her why she just walked in and sat and she replied ‘where the seats not for me’

As I tried penning down my thoughts for this article and what I should title it, I stumbled on a list of weird and funny interview stories. Enjoy:
  • The recruiter asks: What is your greatest weakness? The MBA responds: Kryptonite.
  • The recruiter from a tobacco company asks: Do you mind if I smoke? The MBA responds: Yes, I mind. I am allergic to cigarette smoke
  • Candidate said he was so well-qualified [that] if he didn't get the job, it would prove that the company's management was incompetent.
  • Stretched out on the floor to fill out the job application.
  • Chewed bubble gum and constantly blew bubbles.
  • Candidate kept giggling through serious interview.
  • She wore a Walkman and said she could listen to me and the music at the same time.
  • Applicant challenged interviewer to arm wrestle.
  • Asked to see interviewer's resume to see if the personnel executive was qualified to judge the candidate.
  • Announced she hadn't had lunch and proceeded to eat a hamburger and french fries in the interviewer's office.
  • Without saying a word, candidate stood up and walked out during the middle of the interview.
  • Man wore jogging suit to interview for position as financial vice president.
  • Said if he were hired, he would demonstrate his loyalty by having the corporate logo tattooed on his forearm.
  • Interrupted to phone his therapist for advice on answering specific interview questions.
  • When I asked him about his hobbies, he stood up and started tap dancing around my office.
  • Pulled out a Polaroid camera and snapped a flash picture of me. Said he collected photos of everyone who interviewed him.
  • During the interview, an alarm clock went off from the candidate's brief case. He took it out, shut it off, apologized and said he had to leave for another interview.
  • A telephone call came in for the job applicant. It was from his wife. His side of the conversation went like this: "Which company? When do I start? What's the salary?" I said, "I assume you're not interested in conducting the interview any further." He promptly responded, "I am as long as you'll pay me more." I didn't hire him, but later found out there was no other job offer. It was a scam to get a higher offer.
  • He whistled when the interviewer was talking.
  • Asked who the lovely babe was, pointing to the picture on my desk. When I said it was my wife, he asked if she was home now and wanted my phone number. I called security.
  • She threw-up on my desk, and immediately started asking questions about the job, like nothing had happened.
  • Pointing to a black case he carried into my office, he said that If he was not hired, the bomb would go off. Disbelieving, I began to state why he would never be hired and that I was going to call the police. He then reached down to the case, flipped a switch and ran. No one was injured, but I did need to get a new desk. (purported to have appeared in The Wall Street Journal 1989)

Here is an opportunity to share your own funny, weird interview story and don’t forget to follow on twitter @fashionalle and like our Facebook page (link below) 

Wednesday 11 July 2012


My once white eyes have somehow become red or say pink. I really don’t know if it is the constant exposure to exhaust fume, getting beaten by the rain daily or the fact that I have cried nearly every day since the last one month. Yes, all I wanted to do was cry; cry out the pain and frustration of being rejected. How come? I know am smart and would be a great asset, see all my qualifications, yet they keep rejecting me.’

My name is Bimbo Shopemi. I am 24 years old university of hallways accounting graduate from Kogi state. I am ACCA certified. I am a passionate individual who seeks to contribute to the growth your firm. I have high-level communication skills, including engaging and informative formal public speaking. I am a quick learner who is adaptable, flexible and able to work effectively in any environment. I always set high standards for quality of work and consistently achieve project goals. I am also a team player who quickly builds rapport with individuals and groups and maintains an effective network of individuals.

Over the last nine months, I have applied for almost fifty jobs, precisely forty six and, as yet, only about fifteen have gotten back to me – some rejections after so many interviews
Dear Bimbo,
Thank you for honoring our interview invitation. The interviewer found the discussion very interesting and informative. It was highlighted that your academic performance was quite impressive, and the skills and capabilities you demonstrated were very as high.
However, we believe you are too qualified for this post and you are just too good for us. Based on this, we are indeed sorry to inform you that we will discontinue the recruitment process and add your resume to our database of potential candidates. You will be contacted should any opening that matches your skills arises.

We wish you the best in your future endeavours.

Warm regards

Maybe not exactly, but u get my drift. They tell you how great you are and then the BUT.
They all sound like my ex-boyfriend, ‘it’s not you, it’s me’…

And just like being dumped by a boyfriend, job rejection by a prospective employer can be very painful. You lose hope and you start questioning your self-worth.

But one thing we forget is that I may not have gotten this jobs but I still have other interviews lined up. There will be many jobs, other rejections, and greater opportunities.
I just have to focus on building myself and preparing for the next opportunity knowing fully well that life has a great plan for me.

Sunday 8 July 2012


Being unemployed, I have been used to waking up just anytime. But things have changed; I needed to be in the office at 8:30am daily. With ‘first day at work excitement’, I dashed out of bed at 5am on Monday. Monday was basically on the overview of the company and we were introduced to the staff.
From Tuesday to Friday, getting out of bed was rather painful, there was no ‘first day at work excitement’, and my body hasn’t gotten the memo yet that I now have a job. Thus, I struggled out of bed and blindly made my way into the bathroom.
A series of lectures which is to last for almost two weeks was prepared for us. The training so far has been literally refreshing. I got reminded of those important things I was taught in school that pertained to PR. First newspaper in Nigeria, Iwe Irohin, Henry Townsend, Ivy Lee definition of PR…
Through Tuesday and Wednesday, I made some new ‘colleague’ friends and learnt quite a lot about my new office and its environs. My geography knowledge and retention skills were tested several times as I had to find my way to the office which was quite far from the bus stop I usually alight.  I also had to remember a lot of names or better still, just describe them.
I and my colleague were given our first main work on Thursday: to write on a topic for the blog. Mine was “why is social media more important than traditional media”. Rushing home I did some sharp research and writing, had to sleep late in order to complete it.
On Friday, I had a somewhat annoying journey to work, submitted my write-up… (waited endlessly for a response). Helped a colleague do a work, ate my first meal in Lekki and had a cold.
So far, I can’t really say what my life as a PR intern would be till I start the real thing. I have 12 months here to make an impression so I’m going to put everything into it and do the best that I possibly can. It’s going to be a lot of work, but it’s also going to be really fun and I’m up for the challenge!


I apologize for my prolonged absence. I took a break from writing and everything else for the past three months to focus on some stuff but am back, back with good news. I GOT A JOB!!! WOO HOO!!! Well, am sure u happy for me, am no more an unemployed graduate.
‘Give me the gist,’ I can hear you scream.
‘Be patient,’ I reply. ‘So, where do I start from’...

I began my career into a world I had always longed to be in; a world that has a reputation for providing a fast paced work environment, where creativity, time management, attention to details and most importantly communication skill is key.  I mean the Public Relations world.
The process started with writing three articles as part of the application criteria, an interview- written and oral and then a chat with top management. Then the main journey began July 2nd, 2012. You may say four years as a communication student should have prepared me for these. Maybe a bit, but PR is much more than what we were taught in class.
For the next coming weeks, I would take you into my life as a PR gal. Also I would be writing on several PR related topics. Stay tuned