Thursday 23 August 2012


 ‘What the hell is wrong with you?’ I yelled. This is Africa for God’s sake, who does that? It is not your bedroom neither it is your personal album. This is a social media platform alias public domain’.

It’s been long I screamed like this. Yes, when my best friend told me she was going back to her ‘serial cheater’ boyfriend. Well, unlike that case I yelled to myself as I browsed through my Facebook home page. I know it’s really not my business but I just have to let it out. I was tempted to ‘report’ but then it was not my business.

  ‘Why would someone upload a naked picture of themselves’

(Am back. I apologize for my long absence.)

In today’s technologically advanced world and the upsurge of several social media platforms, information about anyone can be gotten within a twinkle of a ‘star’. One post and picture can be viewed by millions of people at once as everything that goes online becomes part of the public domain

I remember stalking people and downloading their entire life story from the internet; all I needed was their first name. In light of this, the internet; social media has become a very powerful tool used by everyone including Job employers.

This brings me to a question I ask myself anytime I am on twitter or Facebook

If I am asked during an interview to log on to your Facebook page or twitter page, how would I feel? Would I be scared that the employer may see something ‘not professional’ or would I be relaxed knowing that they employer would like what he sees… (I would allow you personalize that question)

When you have a Facebook account, twitter account, blog, LinkedIn, name it, it’s your personal account. However, it depends on how you are using it. Before you go ahead and utilize your freedom of speech on any social media platforms make sure you watch what you are saying. Social media has given us tremendous amount of power in terms of job opportunity but it has also made everything we do much more vulnerable. 

Remember that saying. Yes, the one that says "choose your words (and pictures) carefully because anything you say or post can be used against you".